RNK | Player | GP | Min | FG% | FT% | TS% | Ast | TO | Usg | ORR | DRR | RebR | PER |
1 | Chris Paul, NOR | 44 | 37.5 | .480 | .883 | .568 | 34.4 | 8.3 | 26.8 | 2.5 | 9.8 | 6.1 | 27.42 |
2 | Chauncey Billups, DET | 45 | 34.0 | .456 | .904 | .628 | 30.4 | 8.9 | 22.8 | 1.9 | 8.5 | 5.2 | 24.29 |
3 | Steve Nash, PHO | 46 | 34.2 | .513 | .902 | .644 | 40.6 | 12.8 | 23.6 | 1.1 | 9.6 | 5.6 | 22.73 |
4 | Jose Calderon, TOR | 46 | 31.8 | .525 | .916 | .618 | 42.8 | 7.7 | 18.9 | 1.6 | 10.2 | 5.9 | 22.30 |
Aquí vemos la clasificación del "Player Efficiency Ranking" (PER), creada por el analista John Hollinger. Vemos a Jose, casi al nivel de Steve Nash. Y que no esté en el AllStar...
FG% Field-goal Percentage
FT% Free-throw Percentage
ORR Offensive Rebound Rate
DRR Defensive Rebound Rate
TS% True Shooting Percentage calculates what a player’s shooting percentage would be if we accounted for free throws and 3-pointers. True Shooting Percentage = (Total points x 50) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44)]
Ast Assist Ratio is the percentage of a player’s possessions that ends in an assist. Assist Ratio = (Assists x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
RebR Rebound Rate is the percentage of missed shots that a player rebounds. Rebound Rate = (Rebounds x Team Minutes) divided by [Player Minutes x (Team Rebounds + Opponent Rebounds)]
PER Player Efficiency Rating is my overall rating of a player’s per-minute statistical production. The league average is 15.00 every season.
TO Turnover Ratio is the percentage of a player’s possessions that end in a turnover. Turnover Ratio = (Turnover x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
Usg Usage Rate is the number of possessions a player uses per 40 minutes. Usage Rate = {[FGA + (FT Att. x 0.44) + (Ast x 0.33) + TO] x 40 x League Pace} divided by (Minutes x Team Pace)
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