lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008


1Chris Paul, NOR4437.5.480.883.56834.48.326.
2Chauncey Billups, DET4534.0.456.904.62830.48.922.
3Steve Nash, PHO4634.2.513.902.64440.612.823.
4Jose Calderon, TOR4631.8.525.916.61842.87.718.91.610.25.922.30

Aquí vemos la clasificación del "Player Efficiency Ranking" (PER), creada por el analista John Hollinger. Vemos a Jose, casi al nivel de Steve Nash. Y que no esté en el AllStar...


FG% Field-goal Percentage
FT% Free-throw Percentage
ORR Offensive Rebound Rate
DRR Defensive Rebound Rate
TS% True Shooting Percentage calculates what a player’s shooting percentage would be if we accounted for free throws and 3-pointers. True Shooting Percentage = (Total points x 50) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44)]
Ast Assist Ratio is the percentage of a player’s possessions that ends in an assist. Assist Ratio = (Assists x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
RebR Rebound Rate is the percentage of missed shots that a player rebounds. Rebound Rate = (Rebounds x Team Minutes) divided by [Player Minutes x (Team Rebounds + Opponent Rebounds)]
PER Player Efficiency Rating is my overall rating of a player’s per-minute statistical production. The league average is 15.00 every season.
TO Turnover Ratio is the percentage of a player’s possessions that end in a turnover. Turnover Ratio = (Turnover x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
Usg Usage Rate is the number of possessions a player uses per 40 minutes. Usage Rate = {[FGA + (FT Att. x 0.44) + (Ast x 0.33) + TO] x 40 x League Pace} divided by (Minutes x Team Pace)

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